

  • Queue the addition of an ontology to the A0ctionLog * Initialize an ActionLog with an ontology * Modify an ontology and store the changes * Assert that undoing the last action returns the previous state * Assert that undo/redo is invariant * Make sure the queue auto-flushes when exceeding size * Check that addition queue is overwritten when new changes are added and the old changes have not been OK’d. * Assert the invariance of excessive undoes * Assert the invariance of excessive redoes
  • Check that ActionLog copes with high workloads


  • Assert than normalize() normalizes terms correctly.
  • Assert that the index is built correctly.
  • Test search on various terms
  • Test WordNet search and self-initialization.
  • Build several AbstractGraphs and check their contents
  • Test that get_ontology_file returns the correct kif
  • Test that adding multiple ontologies works
  • Test that get_completions returns a correct list of terms



  • Check that Tokenizer works on single lines
  • Check that whole WordNet parses successfully


  • Check invariance of kifparse/kifserialize
  • Test that parsing Government.kif works


  • Assert that add_ontology() adds an AST equivalent to the one produced by kifparse()
  • Assert the invariance of redundant adds
  • Assert that adding and then deleting an ontology is invariant
  • Check that adding two ontologies works correctly
  • Assert that get_ontologies() lists the correct ontologies
  • Assert that modifying the ontology works correctly
  • Assert that parsing diffs works correctly
  • Assert that undo/redo work correctl


  • Check functionality of locate_term
  • Check functionality of find_synonym


Text Editor

Texteditor after doing test

Texteditor after doing test.

  1. Open pySUMO
  2. Open TextEditor
  3. Open Merge.kif
  4. Choose Merge.kif
  5. Collapse Line 288
  6. Collapse Line 136
  7. Collapse Line 134
  8. Uncollapse Line 134
  9. Uncollapse Line 288
  10. Collapse all
  11. Expand all

Graphical Settings

  1. Open pySUMO
  2. Open TextEditor
  3. Open Merge.kif
  4. Choose Merge.kif
  5. Open GraphWidget
  6. Open DocumentationWidget
  7. Open Hierarchy Widget
  8. Open TextEdiorWidget

Hierarchy Widget

Hierarchywidget after doing test

Hierarchywidget after doing test.

Graph Widget

Graphwidget during test

Graphwidget after step 6.

Graphwidget after doing test

Graphwidget after step 11.

  1. Open pySUMO
  2. Open GraphWidget
  3. Open Merge.kif
  4. Select instance on Variant selector
  5. Select a root node
  6. Select a depth (1)
  7. Open a new ontology to write temporary content to.
  8. Add a node “bla” in Graph Widget
  9. Add a node “bla2”
  10. Add a node “bla” (error)
  11. Add a relation instance between “bla” and “bla2” (error)
  12. Change scale
  13. Choose a valid selector (there was a messagebox)
  14. Add a relation instance between “bla” and “bla2”
  15. Undo
  16. Redo

Documentation Widget

Documentation widget during test

Documentation widget after step 6.

Docwidget after doing test

Docwidget after doing test.

  1. Open pySUMO
  2. Open Merge.kif
  3. Open DocumentationWidget
  4. Switch to the Ontology tab in the DocumentationWidget
  5. Type subrelation into the search field
  6. Press Enter
  7. Open TextEditor
  8. Select Merge.kif in TextEditor
  9. Press one of the links listed under “Merge”
  10. Switch to the WordNet tab in the DocumentationWidget
  11. Search for ‘Object’
  12. Search for ‘Table’


Possible output when using widgets

Widgets ordering.

  1. Open pySUMO
  2. Open a new Ontology named “Mondial”
  3. Open a remote ontology named “Mondial” at location:
  4. Close the ontology named “Mondial” with save and reopen it as local file.
  5. Add Text Editor Widget
  6. Add Documentation Widget
  7. Add Graph Widget
  8. Add Hierarchy Widget
  9. Reorder Widgets
  10. Make a print preview of the ontology “Mondial” from the Text Editor Widget
  11. Delete the Text Editor Widget
  12. Make a print preview of the ontology “Mondial” from the Graph Widget
  13. Add a node and a relation in Graph widget
  14. Delete the Graph Widget
  15. Try to update the ontology “Mondial”
  16. Open ontology properties dialog for “Mondial” and then close it.
  17. Open Option Dialog and then close it
  18. Revert the ontology “Mondial”
  19. Quit pySUMO