pysumo package

This section describes the backing pysumorary of pySUMO. It contains listings and descriptions of all the modules and classes in the pySUMO core. The pysumo conforms to PEP 008.

!include ./UML/pysumo/package_pysumo.iuml

Module contents

The pySUMO library package. This package contains the core functionality of pySUMO. It not only provides the GUI with a feature-rich API, but also validates input and keeps the Ontologies in a consistent state.


pysumo.indexabstractor module

!include ./UML/pysumo/IndexAbstractor.iuml

pysumo.wordnet module

!include ./UML/pysumo/WordNet.iuml

pysumo.parser module

!include ./UML/pysumo/Parser.iuml

pysumo.syntaxcontroller module

!include ./UML/pysumo/SyntaxController.iuml

pysumo.updater module

!include ./UML/pysumo/Updater.iuml