pySUMOQt package

This section describes the graphical user interface of pySUMO. It will list all modules and classes which are necessary to connect the functionality of the pySUMO’s lib with the view and usability of a great editor. For details on this concept see the section about MVC-Structure. Note that the core work is done by Qt and the Qt Designer, so almost all classes will inherit a class designed by Qt Designer and compiled by PySide.

!include ./UML/pySUMOQt/package_pySUMOQt.iuml

Module contents

The pySUMO Qt-GUI package. This package contains all classes and widgets needed to display the pySUMO editor. There are also classes created by Qt Designer which are inherited from in the ‘coded’ classes.


pySUMOQt.MainWindow module

!include ./UML/pySUMOQt/MainWindow.iuml

pySUMOQt.Settings module

!include ./UML/pySUMOQt/Settings.iuml